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Friday, August 8, 2014

Off into the Wild Blue Yonder

A passport, as I'm sure you know, is a document that one shows to government officials whenever one reaches a border between countries, so the officials can learn who you are, where you were born, and how you look when photographed unflatteringly.
 ~Lemony Snicket

Oh my Gosh! How true is the above? 
Not that I am a terribly photogenic person anyway, but seriously, what is it with driver license and passport cameras?! 
I have this deep seated belief that they were invented specifically to take even the most gorgeous person and turn them into a candidate for a troll calendar.

My passport picture is horrid. It doesn't help that I am blind in one eye and have a droopy eyelid. Looks like I'm trying to "wink" at the person taking the picture and failing miserably! Not to mention it was NOT a good hair day!

Oh well ... it will still get me where I need to go which is to Japan to see my daughter whom I have not seen, except for Skype - Thank God for Skype - for over 2 and a half years


My bags are packed!
My phone is charged with a backup
My camera is charged - must take many pictures!
My Ipod is charged (important to have music for long flights with bored adults and small children!)
I even remembered to put all my upcoming post on autoshare for Google+ 

Yay Me!

Did I mention I was excited?!
(shameful secret time - I've had my bags mostly packed for almost a month now!)

So I'm off into the wild blue yonder for an awesome visit and adventure with my daughter!
See you all on the flip side!

(HUGS) Cara


Darnell said...

I'm so excited for you, Cara!! I needn't say the usual "have a wonderful time," as I know you will!! Hugs, Darnell

MaryH said...

Cara, I think Everybody's passport photos are horrid! I know mine is. So excited for you to see your DD after 2 yrs. Think Japan must be an awesome place to sightsee too. (My DH was there in his military service days, and enjoyed it). Have fun, and share all the wonderful experience when you return. Hugs

Charlene Mitchell said...

Cara, your post just RADIATES excitement! Yay! I'm so excited for you! Have a wonderful, safe, awesome and memorable visit with your daughter. Look forward to hearing about it when you come back and to see how it comes through in your crafty creations. You might even pick up some gorgeous Japanese-inspired papers, etc. Hugs x

Charlene Mitchell said...

P.S. and the quote about the passport is oh-so-true. My health card falls into the same category :-)

Shirley said...

By now you are there and maybe back. I am hoping your trip was fun, safe, and a beautiful visit with your daughter. What a wonderful place to see with someone you know already there!!! Hugs and fun to you and yours.

Shirley said...

PS, I agree about the pix. LOL