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Friday, December 1, 2017

Blog Candy Winner!

“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful and least costly way to make someone’s day.”
~ Author Unknown

Good Morning!
Many thanks for all the lovely comments on my cards for the 3rd Annual Celebration Blog Hop for Through the Craft Room Door! I enjoyed reading them all!
Make sure you check out the TTCRD blog for the winner announcement later this afternoon to see if you won a prize for one of our awesome Sponsors!
I had a blog candy offer for the month and the winner is Karthikha!
Karthikha … please email me at with your address so I can make arrangements to get your little bag of goodies mailed out!
(Hugs) Cara

1 comment:

Karthikha said...

Thank you so much for choosing me as the winner 😊 You made my day!!