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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Girlz Rule!

Numerous metaphors have been used to describe life. Among them is the metaphor of life as a battle. Try not to think of life in these terms because, if you regard life as a struggle, it will become one, and you will have little joy. It is far better to think of life as a journey in which the difficulties are hills to climb. The hills are there for a reason (even if you don't know what that reason is), and the sense of satisfaction after climbing the hill is almost always worth the effort. ~Richard E. Turner (1937–2011), The Grammar Curmudgeon, a.k.a. "The Mudge," "An Open Letter to My Grandson," January 1997

Good morning Everyone!

WOW! Can you believe that the year is almost half over? Certainly time is getting away from me it seems.  I am working on letting go and not dwelling on the could-a, should-a and would-a's of the past. To help me along, I started taking Tai-chi and yoga at a "Dahn Yoga Center"  ... quite a difference in process from what I have experienced in the past with gyms and frankly, far more rewarding. Don't get me wrong, breaking habits and trying to refocus hasn't been easy, nor has it been fun at times but I am finding for the first time in a long time that I am happier, I feel better and I look forward to a healthier more positive future.  

On that note, I knew that I wanted to use an awesome, recently released image called Gorgeous Geisha from Andrea Norris/Sheepski Designs for our monthly challenge which is "GIRLZ RULE" and starts today!

Being strong, loving life and ruling your world does not mean you have to be all bad-@ss ... You can be elegant, classy, kind and positive, with much better results!

My card is 5 x 7 in size

Gorgeous Geisha DigiStamp from SheepSki Designs
Alcohol markers
Blossom fan die from Spellbinders
Cardstock from The Paper Studio
Cherry Blossom embossing folder from Darice
Design paper/Origami paper from Japan
Gold Cardstock from my scrap bin
Gold Smooch
Ink from Palette
Rhinestones from my stash
Sentiment from "A Happy Thing" by Stampin Up!

Now ... You have two ways to play along with SheepSki Designs!

BLOG ... Where you are allowed to use any hand colored image for a chance to win 3 images ... BUT, if you use a SheepSki Designs image and are the winner, you get an additional image choice


FACEBOOK ... Where you must use a SheepSki Designs Image for a chance to win 3 images 

As an added bonus, when you are done shopping in the STORE, if you use my code SKICARA10 at check out you will receive a 10% discount off your purchased! So come along and play one or both! Can't wait to see what you create!

Looking forward to seeing your lovely creations!
(Hugs) Cara

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